memorial volume造句
- On 5 august 1932 , i received a letter jointly signed by jiye , jingnong and congwu , saying that shuyuan had died of his illness at tongren hospital in beiping at 5 : 30 am on august 1 , and that they wanted to collect his papers for a memorial volume ; they asked if i would still have kept any of his letters to me
一九三二年八月五日,我得到霁野,静农,丛芜三个人署名的信,说漱园于八月一日晨五时半,病殁于北平同仁医院了,大家想搜集他的遗文,为他出一本纪念册,问我这里可还藏有他的信札没有。 - It's difficult to see memorial volume in a sentence. 用memorial volume造句挺难的
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